Just like our organization, Henry Stolzenthaler Council No. 1675, started from small and humble beginnings. Charted in February 1913 as Tottenville Coucil, our council has grown to nearly 700 members. We are proud to be one of the Largest and most active Council's on Staten Island, and in the State of New York. Under the direction of our Grand Knight and our Council Officers we strive to uphold the principles on which our organization was founded.
We are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and defense of the priesthood. The Order is consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Order is unequivocal in its loyalty to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on earth. It is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family. It was on these bedrock principles that the Order was founded over a century ago and remains true to them today.Please fell free to visit our site and learn more about the Knights of Columbus, and our founder Fr. Michael J McGivney.In order to join the Knights of Columbus, you must be a "Practical Catholic Gentleman" 18 years of age or older. Please check our membership link for more information